Saturday, September 13, 2008

Hurricane Ike

so im at my parents house. we knew it would be safer here than at the apartment. last night was so scary!!! the winds in nome were over 100. it ripped the boards off of almost every window. im so happy that we were blessed enough not to have a window blow out. my parents house did start to leak through the windows and from the light sockets. its because they lost all of the shingles on the back half of the roof. my parents house is in a huge field with nothing around it to protect it from the winds. i kept having flashbacks from the tornado my family and i were in during 1999. today the water pressure is very low---so taking a shower was quite a challenge. we drove to Beaumont and the west side on major doesn’t look bad at all. Our apartments fine. I don’t think I will ever try to stick out another hurricane again!!


Aunt Kim said...

Hi Laurie.... I'm glad that everyone is ok. Like I told your Mom, Amy and Alisa....times like these have "Bittersweet moments" for me. I THANKFUL that Uncle Tom and I aren't in TEXAS anymore, but I really want to be there for family and friends. Give Aaron a BIG hug for me and tell him to give you one too. Sending lots of love to everyone. Take care....

Maren said...

I am glad to hear that you guys are ok. I tried to text you today but didn't get an answer from you. How is Alisa and her family? We are in Florida still. Ryan is heading back tomorrow to get back to work and Braydon, my mom and I will follow in a couple of days!! Ryan's job is completely under water so he has to work in Laffeyette!!

MandyStovall said...

Hi Laurie.. it's Mandy. I am so glad that everyone came out safe through the hurricane. So how is it being pregnant?? I know what you mean by hearing the heart beat for the first time and it seeming more real... when I heard Tuckers heart beat, it was so exciting, I couldn't wait for the next doctor's visit just so I could here it. Are you and Aaron going to find out the sex? Or are you going to let it be a surprise? I am excited excited for yall. Congratulations!!!