Monday, June 30, 2008

Busy Week

Saturday we went to one of Aarons cousins wedding:

Aarons cousin, Tommy, his new wife, and Aaron and I

Aaron and I

Aaron, his grandpa, and I

Well last week was busy....lots of things went on. Friday was not a very good day. We found out that one of Aarons best friends had gotten killed in an auto-pedistrian accident. Its so hard for me to know what to all i can really do is just be here for Aaron. Nick and Aaron were really close friends over the past few years. Aaron has the special honor to be one of the palbearers at Nicks funeral on Wednesday. I know that this week will be difficult on Aaron. Hes never had anybody close to him die. I know things happen for a reason, but it is still difficult for those having to deal with a tragedy.

Nick at our Wedding Reception in October


emily paige said...

Love the pictures Laurie! You look so cute and happy!
As for Aaron's friend, that's so difficult. There's nothing like having a close friend die, it's one of the toughest things I've ever been through, and at the time I felt like I'd be sad forever. Just know that time will make things easier.

Thereasa said...

Hi Laurie,

It was a busy week ...
I like the pictures taken at Tommy and Mandy's reception.
That picture of Nick ... I took that picture. I sure loved that kid a lot!

Love ya!

PS Add my blogger site to yours.

Amy said...

I love the pictures of y'all at the wedding reception! I'm really sorry about Nick. I know that you will be a great support for Aaron as he goes through this difficult time.

Presley family said...

I can't remember if I wrote you back after your comment. It is so great to put a face to the name. You are beautiful just like your sister!!! Thank you for all of your love and support!!