Olivia Grace was born on January 3rd 2011. She weighed 7 pounds 13 oz and was 19 1/4 in long. When we left the hospital she had dropped down to 7 lbs 7 oz. At the dr office less than 3 days later she was 7 lbs 7 oz and 20 1/2 in long. I think they got her length wrong at the hospital. They measured her twice at the dr because of the big difference.
The labor was VERY long and slow. I started contracting Sunday night around midnight and the contractions began to be every 5 min apart soon after that. I wasn't absolutely sure that it was the real thing, although I was pretty sure. I just didn't want to get to the hospital for them to tell me that I wasn't really in labor and be sent home. Aaron finally convinced me to go at around 3:30. We woke Landon up and brought him to my moms house. The ride to hospital was not fun. The contractions got stronger and closer together. When we got the hospital they were every 2-3 min apart and I was dilated to almost a 4. The contractions stayed that close together for the majority of the day. I walked around the floor for a while and around 9 got my first dose of Nubain so that I could sleep. The contractions were not that bad but I knew I needed sleep because it would be a long day. I ended up getting 2 doses of Nubain throughout the day. The nubain puts me alseep within minutes. One of the times I took it, Aaron had just given me a cup of water and ice chips. Well I fell asleep and it dumped on me. I woke up instantly because it was so cold! Before noon I was at a 6, almost a 7 and we didn't think it would be much longer. But it took forever to get to a 10 from that point on. At 6 pm, my dr came in to check me and when he did my water broke. The contractions were unbearable at that point. I no longer had any pain medicine in my system. Luckily it only took 3 contractions and 5 or 6 pushes to get Olivia out! I was in so much pain all I could think about was to get her out so that I could have more pain meds. As soon as she was born they gave me the final dose of the nubain , which I regret. I do not remember much about Olivia's first moments. I do remember Landon walking into the room for the first time to see his little sister.
The first night we kept Olivia in the nursery so that I could get rest. The next day she spent the entire day in our room. I loved finally being able to hold and bond with her when I didn't have the drugged feeling. My mom brought Landon up to the hospital so that he could see Olivia again. He keeps calling her Cora, his cousin. My mom bought a plant and a balloon for us, that she says is from Landon :)
We got to go home on Wednesday. Landon has adjusted pretty well. He likes to help us throw away her diapers. He also likes to give her blankets and his Beevo blanket. Whenever she has a bottle, he wants his sippy cup. The first night home from the hospital was rough. She cried for a few hours. She wanted to be held while she slept, but I cant sleep when I am holding her because I am afraid I will drop her. I only got about 4 hours of asleep the entire day.
Thursday night went alot better. She only got up at 11:45, 2:30, and 6 to eat. She would eat and go right back to sleep.
Naptime is interesting with Landon now. He wakes up when she starts to cry and wont go back to sleep.
On Friday he was still adjusting well. She spit her pacifier out when we were in his room, so he went and got it for her. He is very sweet and loving! Friday night went really well. She ate at 11, 4, then not again till 6.
I love being a mom to two! I will have the real test of taking care of 2 kids on Monday when Aaron goes back to work. It will be a huge adjustment for all of us.
1 comment:
So happy that little Olivia is here. Love her name and she is a beautiful little girl. Enjoy every minute of her. Your life will be very busy with two children; but take a moment for yourself every day and you will feel so wonderful. Good job Laurie..beautiful family.
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